Friday, January 12, 2007

I Wept Like A Baby....I Feel Shame

Figuratively of course. I only cry when someone says, "we are out of beer." This picture is of my neighbor, Jim Shaw (of Shaw and Sons Construction) and I in our happy place: beer, fire, and water that will eventually turn to ice

From today's earlier entry you can tell I was a wus. Second guessing, self-doubt, and self-loathing were consuming me. But, the howling winds finally subsided and the liner finally abided. Filling progressed at a rapid pace and before I knew it, I had a several inches at the low end and an inch at the high. It is taking slightly longer than the 5-6 hrs projected by my friends at the water department, but they weren't off by much. I am on hour 7 and at this rate expect another 2-3. Who gives a crap! I actually had time to drive mom and dad to Logan so they could fly to Paris to spend a week with Kim.

The next couple days are supposed to be rainy and above freezing for daytime temps. I am hoping for no leaks until the frigid temps arrive. They are talking 7 and 10 degrees at night, and below freezing for highs for the next two days. Please work, please work, please work. Lord, hear my prayer.

1 comment:

The Big Guy said...

Rink and the blog are looking fine! Everything will come together for ya :)

You can have some of our cold weather though. Its currently -30C outside, and is going to stay that way at night for a week.

Brrrr. Thats even cold by Canadian standards!