Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What I Did On My February Vacation

I watched Caroline do some coloring and stickering at Grammy and Pa's

I watched Danny and Thomas get yet another victory for Chelmsford Maroon. (Coach Doherty notes that, since 12/30 they are 9-0-1 with 65 goals for and 6 goals against. Those #'s are only important to us because they show how far the kids have come, and how they are playing as a team.)

Lost a game, that we should have won, to the first place team in our division. Real messy affair. Lots of penalties and a couple of ejections. Not the greatest game for Deb and the kids to arrive half-way through as after the game we headed up to Maine.

Visited with Deb's brother Scott, and my neice Elora. Here Scott racks them up before taking on Danny and Elora.

Watched Danny run. The boy is always in motion...I was the same way as a kid - that's how I got the nickname Scooter.

I played with Elora. She has some great variations of words - like "playground" is pronounced something like "pingeround". A very sweet child.

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