Danny, after being sick on his birthday, has been out of sorts these last few days. Debbie is watching her company implode, and goes from anger to sadness to numbness -back to anger. My Happy Go Lucky Caroline seems to be tired, and had a difficult morning today. Even I have been a bit off, feeling pretty crappy about things.
If you want to feel better about yourself, just go shopping at Wal Mart. I consider myself a tolerant and accepting individual. But man are there some strange people at that store. I ran in for one item today and as I'm standing in the hardware section I could hear a guy about 5 aisles down pushing a carriage with a squeaky wheel. Not the squeaky noise a tricycle makes. It was more of a high pitched, loud, nails on a chalkboard squeaky. He would push it....and stop....push it....and stop....push it... He kept getting closer and closer, and naturally came into my aisle. How he could stand it only became apparent when he rounded the corner and I got a look at him. I myself couldn't take it anymore and fled, past the odd looking guy with the squeaky carriage, around the old lady with the belly shirt, low cut pants, and high placed underwear, and to the check out. I left Wal Mart feeling like maybe things weren't so bad after all.
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