Friday, June 1, 2007

Caroline's Poem

If anything creative gets on here, it most likely isn't written by me. Caroline writes a lot of poems in her spare time (that's a mom gene, not a dad gene), and this is one she wrote about getting caught in the madness of her middle school hallway, and wanting to hide inside her locker:

Against The Current
A loud swarm
You get pulled with the crowd
Leaping to the small space
between chaos,
and rows of chambers
Jumping to shore
As you open one,
an old medal chamber
You pause,
wanting to just hide inside
And watch the world
through slits
Because getting through the hallway,
is like swimming upstream
Against the current.
- Caroline Millin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Caroline, This is an amazing poem. I have been a middle school English teacher for almost 18 years, and I must confess that sometimes the teachers feel the same way at passing time. Keep on writing!