Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ice Time

"Seventeen has turned 35 (plus 4); I'm surprised that we're still livin'"
- I can give you a Mellencamp quote to fit any scenario. Try me.

Man am I tired. Each year it gets harder. My legs are rubber and my sleep level is not where it should be. By the end of the day on Thursday, I will have spent 6 hours skating this week.

Don't get me wrong. I love to coach and play hockey. Getting out on the ice and working with the kids is so much fun. I can work up a sweat just yelling (so they can hear me). The skating is a bonus. And playing in my league is the best exercise I could ever get. But this has been a tough week:

Monday: 8:30pm Rapid Finishing game (won 4-3). Home at 11pm.
Tuesday: 5pm Squirt practice, 10:00pm Rapid Finishing game (lost 5-3). Home at midnight
Wednesday: 5:00 pm Squirt Practice, 'Pickup hockey' at 10:00. Home at 11:30pm
Thursday: 5:00 pm Squirt Practice.

Of course, after my games I get home, have a cold beverage, and watch tv because I am far too wired to go to bed. I relive the good plays in my head, try to forget the bad ones, and think about how silly people look who wear pants that hang below their underwear.

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