Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm On A Roll...

...of shrink wrap.

Because the shrink wrap that I used as my liner last year worked so well, I am going to use the same material again in 2007/08. It is stronger (see me walk on it without worry), safe for my grass, white (doesn't absorb light/heat), and is easy to work with. Thanks Jim!

My neighbor, Jim has a boat, and he was able to obtain a huge roll of it for me at a much better price than I paid last year. In fact, there is enough wrap on the roll to use for two seasons.

So it sits and waits in my basement until I am ready to unroll it and fill it up with water.


Lora3677 said...

ok... so of course I had to "stalk" you back after your comment on my blog... so 'Hiya!' and liner?? I'll assume something with the backyard rink?

Unknown said...

Are those my socks?