Thursday, November 1, 2007

No Disassemble!

Remember the movie Short Circuit?

Anyway, I began to disassemble my end boards. "Why?" you ask. Good question. One bitter cold night last winter I teed off a slapper and, surprise, missed he net. The plastic/poly/hockey board stuff cracked like plumber's butt. It was the cold, not the shot. So, I had to take all the rusted screws out, pull the backing off, and strip it down to the bare frame.

I reinforced the skeleton with some pressure treated 2x4's, and put some 3/8 inch plywood over it to serve as a backing. Then I screwed the exterior plastic over the plywood using shiny, stainless steel screws. Where the crack is, I filled it with a super, expanding, contracting caulking my neighbor Jim gave me that you can't buy over the counter (I kid you not).

It looks better, and should be stronger and hopefully will last for winters to come.

1 comment:

The Big Guy said...

I'm still very envious of those real hockey boards! :D