Danny invited Tre - his teammate and partner on defense -over for some after school skating. Tre is a quick, smart, and skilled hockey player; but what I like about him best is that he is an even better kid.
Jimmy Shaw came over today and showed us all that he too is a great skater. The thing I love about Jimmy is that he has no fear - of failure or of falling. He passed the puck, he shot the puck, and was THE MAN on skates.
Jim, Sr. got 3rd man in. Some things never change. Sigh.
Dear Scott, thank you for showing the "child abuse" that I do, don't worry, Jimmy threw me under the bus, mentioning in the book he wrote that "the dog" Mason bit me, but, "its a good dog",.... your friendly neighbor and contractor Jim.
Dear Scott and Deb,
Thank you for taking such good care of my guys. They had fun.
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