Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Late Night Perspective

Got home from our 10:00pm game (Team Rapid Finishing won, 5-2 - thanks for asking) after midnight and decided to give the Four-em a resurfacing.

Night Maneuvers
I've written about this before but I really love coming home late at night and being out on the rink by myself. Instead of skating I threw on the ipod, connected the hose, grabbed a BL (or two), and used the MIM (Millin Ice Machine) to lay down a fresh sheet.  It was quiet and cold, and I was alone with my music and thoughts while I 'worked' on the rink.  Sometimes the ice makes popping sounds - you can feel it in your toes - as the hot water spreads out evenly over the frozen surface and fills in the scratches and imperfections left behind by the skaters.  There is something satisfying about the act of wiping away the old and setting up the new.  If it were only that easy in other endeavors.

Different Perspectives

In a surprising move, I downloaded a few Bon Jovi songs, including "Who Says You Can't Go Home" and "We Weren't Born To Follow".   I found them good 'set up' songs whilst connecting various hoses and such.  While resurfacing I resorted to music a little more philosophical (surprise).   I also took some pictures of the rink after resurfacing . I like to walk around it while the water is freezing and look at it from places I don't normally see it from.  Yes, it sounds pathetic (and perhaps may be), but there is something to be said about looking at things differently now and then.


Joe said...

OK, I definitely have Ice Surface Envy. How is it that smooth after the snow we just got nailed with?! Hopefully the 603 looks like that by the weekend. As for the ipod, I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to inhibit my hearing whilst on the rink by myself. We've seen bears, moose, and heard coyotes in the backyard, so I'll be damned if I'm going to be mauled to death because I'm rocking out. Cool post though. I'm gonna take the camera out with me later this week and try some artsy shots!

Unknown said...

I have the "same" problem. I can be out there watching it freeze to. Nothing better. I wear my ear protectors listening to Radio Norge (Norway). No bears, moose or coyotes, just a cat and a future wife that thinks I'm beyond nuts!

Scott said...

Steinar, All our spouses must think we are beyond nuts. The good news is yours knows what she is getting into - Deb was blindsided by all of this rink business, but sees the glory and wonder in it now...most days. Thanks for the message and showing us that rink-building knows no boundaries!


Len said...

Scott - I did the same thing last night (minus the Bon Jovi). Anyone watching (you know who you are) must think I am completely bonkers as I walk around and around the rink watching the water freeze.

Unknown said...

A man and his rink . . .