Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Flurry of Activity

Since Christmas, the rink has been in regular use.  Danny and his friend Michael were on it most of the day today.  Michael has been his buddy since kindergarten and he does not play organized hockey...

The cool thing is that Michael got skates and a helmet for Christmas. He asked his mother for these things so that he could skate on our rink instead of just playing boot hockey...

...the other thing I like about this is that Danny still likes to play with his friends as opposed to just play hockey.  The two boys were playing all day: skating in slow motion (it's a riot to watch), raising their sticks in triumph, pretending to be injured, and trying trick plays, and just played...

Notice how dark it has gotten since the first picture.  At one point in the day they clumped into the kitchen in their skate guards and I asked them if they came in to play on the PS3.  They said, "No, we need a snack" and they went back outside...

...and the sun set on another day on the Millin Four-em.

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