Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Damn The Torpedoes!!

I am tired of putting on a happy face about the warm weather. I'm getting serious now. I put up a picture of Danny because nothing makes me happier than watching that boy skate. I hope to be doing that with him, Caroline, and Debbie in the very near future because....

It is finally here. Last night in the 20's. Today, above freezing but still close enough to it to give me hope. It is supposed to be rediculously warm this weekend (near 60) but then drop down to below freezing again at night and just above during the day. I am putting my liner down on Friday. Damn the Torpedoes!

I just spoke to the Super. of my local water department: He is sending out "his guys" to see if filling my rink from a hydrant is feasible, for a flat fee - $50. I'd spend way more if from my own meter. I know "his guys" pretty well so it shouldn't be a problem. I already spoke to them and they said it's easy to do. I hired one of them to flatten out the yard this summer with his Bobcat and he knows how much time, effort, and money I've spent on this project. May they take pitty upon me.


1 comment:

The Big Guy said...

Green grass.

That's crazy. I feel for ya! We're now officially in Winter up here in NW Ontario... -9C right now, dipping into the -20C's by the weekend. I'll bottle some up and ship it down! :)
