Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Rough Harvest

Fruits and Vegetables
I have a garden. It's not all that big, and it isn't all that bountiful. But it's fun to tend (I have never used the word 'tend' in a sentence until now), and I only grow foods we like to eat. As a kid, my mom always had a garden and I am glad she did. Otherwise I might never have had one of my own. I can't imagine how people used to live off of only what they grew. Can you?

My father in law, Ben, is a daylilly fanatic. He gave me some "babies" and some established plants a few years ago, and they have multiplied and taken off since. They like lots of sun and water, and are pretty simple to take care of. This year has been especially good, and the daylillies have some really dark and rich colors. The only shade they do not have is blue.

Growing Up Good
I like to grow things - from foods, to flowers, to kids. They all require work and attention; but in the end, the time and energy you spend on them pays off.

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