Debbie and I met each other while interning for Jim at the State House in the summer of 1989. Then we successfully managed his re-election campaign in the fall of 1990. That was a tough time to be an incumbent Democrat; but we won. We lived for Jim - working nights and weekends, canvassing door-to-door, holding signs at rush hour, organizing phone banks and mass mailings, and slapping more red and white "Miceli" bumper stickers on cars than I care to remember.
Jim is a good man. He's a little conservative, but he serves his district (Tewksbury and Wilmington) well. The common man loves Jim -he talks plain and simple and he gets things done. A "Good to see you!" and a handshake is his calling card. He's a hard man to work for, but a fascinating man to be around and watch in action.
I owe Jim a lot (like a wife -just look at her at age 19!) But I will not vote for him in this special election. I have come to realize that Jim is the guy to have to help your town with local aid, or to guide a citizen through the bureaucratic crap of a state agency. Jim really is a good man doing a good job, and he often quotes Tip O'Neil, saying that "all politics is local". That may be true. But today, with so much at stake, I will cast my vote for someone who thinks and acts globally. I am voting for Niki Tsongas.
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