Wednesday, September 5, 2007

They're Baaaaack! school. Today was the first day. Hard to believe our summer is over. We did a lot, and did very little as well. They are sad and we are sad that it's over. But we are gearing up for a busy fall that includes hockey, field hockey, and gymnastics. The pace is picking up.

Blonde over Blue
6th grade?! When did this happen? Seems like it was only a couple of years ago when she told me she wanted to go in the preschool door all by herself on the first day, and I could wait outside and watch her through the window.

Boys in the Hood
4th Grade - king of his elementary school. Look at him compared to the other boys from the neighborhood at the bus stop. He's the oldest and seems to be the ringleader. He's become big before our very eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there, Scooter! Our daughter just started *high school* my friend! Yup, that's one that ages you reeeaaaallllyyyy fast. Not that I need any help! Katie was the same as Caroline at preschool. 'Here's your hat Mom-don't let the door knock you on the butt on the way out!' At three years old, she was already on her way.

Goes way faster than you can possibly imagine or be prepared for. Enjoy them, enjoy them, enjoy them.

Sarah K.