Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Special

After opening presents and drinking several cups of coffee, Danny and I skated for an hour.  It was a really fun skate, just a lot of passing and 2 on 0's. The ice surface had melted from a warm Christmas Eve day but refroze overnight, making the top smooth and slick - sometimes mother nature helps us out.

'Tis the season for some Winter Classic garb.  Unfortunately Danny's team has a game at 3:00 on New Years Day.  That boggles my mind given that it's a holiday and a hockey event we will most likely only see once in our lifetime.  We are DVRing the game and hope we don't hear the real time result before watching it.


Joe said...

Nice! Classic gear was a staple in my house as well, between my new hat and Lucic t-shirt and my dad's hoodie. Christmas backyard hockey is the best. Go B's!

Unknown said...

Dan looks great . . . and then there is the 31 year old guy.

Unknown said...

OOps, I lost 10 years and hit the wrong key - 41 year old, that is.