Wednesday, January 6, 2010


You have to start somewhere; and in the case of young Aiden it was on my rink.

On Tuesday night there was a knock on our door and it was my neighbor, Ryan.  He lives up the street from us and we always wave and say hello to each other when driving by our respective houses, and we have talked a few times, but I don't know him as well as our immediate neighbors.  Ryan wanted to know if he could come down with his son Aiden the next night and skate on our rink.  YES!

So, they did.  Aiden took to the ice tonight and did great.  What made it most meaningful is that this was Aiden's first time in ice skates. Instant memories for Ryan and Aiden and instant gratification for me. 


I was very happy Ryan took it upon himself to knock on my door. I'm a
lousy inviter - always have been.  Not because I don't want folks here but because I fear the unknown too much.  However, I am seriously considering posting an open skate invitation on the various communication mediums I subscribe to for this Saturday. I'd invite everyone - the people I know and the people I "kinda' know".

Would you come?


Anonymous said...

I would DEFINITELY be there :) Sounds like we're going to need a lot of baked goods....


Len said...

I can second that Scott is a lousy inviter and Deb is a good baked goods creator.

Unknown said...

Who is this anonymous person? Ask her to send some baked goods this way.

Sounds like you, Scott . . . sharing your rink. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Funny...after I forwarded the article to someone I work with he asked why he'd never been invited over. Don't be surprised if I show up one day at lunch!


Joe said...

If I didn't come, it would only be because I am basking in the glow of rinkhost as well. Had some friends over Saturday and their daughter stood by herself, her first time on skates. Fun to be a part of someone else's milestones, isn't it? Just reinforces all the cool things that Jack told us, and makes keeping a rink that much more rewarding.