Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Final Cut

The Rink
What a season it's been at the Millin Four-em. We have nearly two months of skating. I have had nothing but fun. I hope the same is true for those who have skated on the Four-em, and for those who have followed along on this blog. Thank you to everyone who had a hand in the rink's success. From those that helped me figure out how to build and accessorize it, to those that offered encouragement. Thank you most of all to Debbie for always staying positive when I was pessimistic.

The Blog
I installed a "tracker" on the blog to see how many people check it out, and where in the world they are from. The site averages 22 hits per day from different people from all over. I have had visitors from Asia, Europe, South America, Australia, and even one from Egypt. There are regulars as well and I have made some new friends, like Kevin from Canada, Len from MA, Chris from NH, and Jerry from OH. The internet has made my world so much smaller, and I appreciate every hit that is made to this site and comment left behind. It was my hope to keep a record of the skating year, but it was also my hope to entertain and inform those that might be interested along the way. I have had a lot of fun doing this blog. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read it.

The Future
I may post a periodic rink related idea or purchase over the spring/summer. There is certainly enough going on here in this house to write about, but not sure if it's that interesting to folks other than family.

The End
Thank you everyone. See you next winter.



Anonymous said...

I had a blast following your exploits this winter. It made me rue the day when I was five and almost split my skull open trying to skate on Johnson Pond on a pair of double runners. Been afraid to skate since that day. I look forward to continued updates on your children's sporting achievements. Baseball? Lacrosse? Volleyball? Golf? Tennis? Soccer? You did a great job, Scott. You are a great father and rink builder. I raise my glass to you.

The Big Guy said...

Congrats to your family, friends and yourself on a job well done! As a first time rink builder myself, I'm dreading taking it apart for summertime storage.

Only 8 more months til we can start prepping again!

See you soon!

Kevin and Hannah