Debbie, Caroline, Danny, and I had our last family skate for the '06/'07 winter. Temperatures were just below freezing when we went to the rink, so the ice was hard but the we were comfortable. We passed the puck, and Deb and I took a few turns around the ice together. When I built the Four-em she bought skates, a stick, and made a point to come out and join us several times this winter. We were so happy to have her out with us. Danny has been a blast to play with. I love to play "shootout" with him. So many evenings we have not wanted to come in from playing. And Caroline - what a great skater you have become! I'm so very proud and love that you like to play and skate with us.
After a while my friend and neighbor, Jim Shaw, come out with his old Bauers. Jim (he's not as fuzzy as the picture makes him) was the one who made the idea of building my own rink sound feasible when I talked about the impossibility of it. It was his transit that leveled my yard to within 3 inches, and his brain that helped me out when I was stuck (I had his brain working overtime). So for the first time in a long time, he laced 'em up, and he skated with us. Thanks for all of your help Jim. Hope you enjoyed it. ..and Happy Birthday!
9:00 pm
Deb went in, Jim went in, and Tim came out. He, the kids, and I played 2 on 2 for a while. Caroline and I vs. Timmy and Danny. Caroline has turned into quite the little skater and she can put the puck in the 5 hole as good as anyone. Danny is a skating mad-man. I love skating and passing the puck with him. Timmy - stick to lacrosse. :)
Timmy went in and the kids took their skates off. We walked out to the center of the rink and I jokingly told them told them to, "say goodbye and we'll see you next year" to the rink. Danny dropped to his knees, put his hands on the ice, and began sobbing. I was stunned. In all, he cried for a half an hour! I held him as long as I could on the ice. Caroline came over and put her arms around him as I was holding him. I had her bring him inside to Debbie so I could get my skates off. I looked up as they were walking into the house and she had her arm around him. All good things must come to an end....but I can't wait 'til next year.
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