Danny and I laced them up for the first time this season. It was a cold 27 degrees with a low afternoon sun and the ice conditions were pretty decent. The one corner was bumpy but we made do with what we had.

As a 2nd year Squirt Danny is even more fun to skate with now and we do so at a quick pace with lots of touch passes and stick handling. We did not have our net out. Instead we chose to pass, improvise, and fire an occasional shot off the end boards.
This is an address to the nhl network online site that shows a time lapse of the rink at Wrigley field. I don't know if I did it correctly, but hopefully you can find it. Pretty cool. I'd like to think when the Bruins finally play on New Year's Day at Fenway, our boy Scott Millin will be the Tsar of Ice. He will then be awarded with a large plate of various meats and cheeses... and a case of Sam Adams Winter Lager.
*Claps hands*
Yay! Way to go, about time you got on that rink. ;)
Lookin good with those kickplates! Talk about gettin' lucky there... :D
Oh, and Merry Christmas!
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